This past Saturday I was itching for a quick hike. Now I would normally take Paisley, our Airedale Terrier, out for this type of an adventure. But Bentley, our 11 year old Yorkie, was the lucky winner. We geared up and headed out to Discovery Park on a drizzly Seattle morning. The park was packed, but once we got to the outer trails I got to let Mr. B off his leash. He was the best trail companion. He stayed right with me, even when the trails got steep. He loved the mud and the water crossings. He was in new smells heaven. You could see the excitement in his eyes he was so happy. When we got down to the shores of the Sound he loved it. He was running along the sand and rocks checking everything out. I was so proud of him, he never let up. In fact I think he could have kept going long after I was pooped out. I think I have my new hiking buddy.